In 1970 Bladon joined the Junior Missionary Association. Thirty years and sixty collectors later this is still going strong and has collect many thousands of pounds for work overseas.

Mrs Renee Smith lead the Sunday School until 1972 when Mrs Vera Hoad, who had been assisting Mrs Smith since 1966, took over. In 1974 a club was formed that met one evening a week with games and activities for the older children. This club ran until 1979.

In 1975 the Sunday School was renamed 'Junior Church' and it was decided to meet at 11am rather than 10am to allow the children to spend a short time in the morning service.

In 1976 the senior members met on Sunday evenings and activities included looking at modern day issue and joining in youth services with other churches as well as less formal 'club' activities.

The refurbishment of the Methodist Church in 1977 made quite a big impact on the Junior Church. Replacing the fixed wooden pews with comfortable movable chairs meant that much more imaginative use could be made of the church on special occasions such as Christmas, Harvest Festival and Mothering Sunday. Some services have even be conducted 'in the round'.

A Christmas musical called Jack Frost in 1987 was the first evening performance by the Junior Church. Over the following years evening productions and concerts became established events in the Junior Church calender.